bethesda forums ps3 skyrim
bethesda forums ps3 skyrim
gamrConnect Forums - Bethesda announces Skyrim, Legendary Edition.
Bethesda: Skyrim DLC On PS3 "Not A Problem We're Positive We Can.
Nov 8, 2012. to the PC and PlayStation 3 versions of Skyrim, Bethesda has said.. • video game reviews, news, previews, forums, and.
The Legendary Edition of Skyrim will be released on PC, PS3, and Xbox. of Skyrim's additional content: earlier this month, Bethesda said they.
Bethesda on Skyrim PS3, 360, PC Patch..Calm down. We are working.
bethesda forums ps3 skyrim
2013 Release Planned For PS3 Skyrim DLC - The Escapist.News: Bethesda: 'No new info' on Skyrim DLC for PS3.
Feb 12, 2013. Bethesda Softworks Global Community Lead Matt Grandstaff has announced that the first PS3 Skyrim DLC Dragonborn lands today on PSN.
Once Skyrim: Dragonborn arrives on PS3, Bethesda will focus on.
Future of PS3 Skyrim DLC Uncertain - The Escapist.
Bethesda “close” on new Skyrim content for PS3 and PC • News.
Nov 8, 2012. Well, a recent Twitter post by Bethesda says it's "close on new Skyrim content for PS3 and PC." New content for the PC is certainly going to be.
Nov 7, 2012. Featuring forums, games, themes and news for the PS3, PS2 and PSP platforms. . This statement is bold, but backed by a tweet from Bethesda Game. "To update: we're also close on new Skyrim content for PS3 and PC,".
This Skyrim debacle is huge. I can't visit any site talking about TES without an outrage occurring.1/3 of all owners of Skyrim is huge. Over.
Dec 17, 2012. Bethesda unhappy over PS3 situation, Skyrim has two more DLCs (rumor). Facebook and on forums by irate PS3 owners so we know that the.