hyphenated adjectives numbers
Hyphens - KCI Training.
hyphenated adjectives numbers
Writing Tip: Phrasal Adjectives and Hyphens - Yahoo! Voices.
Hyphens – to hyphenate or not to hyphenate? - The Writer style guide.
Oct 1, 2012. By high number of views and up-votes which I did not expect, I came to think a lengthy string of hyphenated-words as in the quoted case is not.
hyphenated adjectives numbers
Compound Adjectives: When to Say No to the Hyphen (Part 2).Nov 28, 2008. Hyphenated compound adjectives may have been formed originally. Numbers, spelled out or numeric, with added -odd: sixteen-odd, 70-odd.
February 2013 - Better Writing Skills.
A CLIL TO CLIMB: Compound Adjectives: To Hyphenate or not?
When it comes after the noun, the compound adjective usually doesn't get a hyphen. So we say an easy-to-remember number, but the number is easy to.
Compound Adjectives - English Grammar.
5 Tips to Understand Hyphenated Words - Daily Writing Tips.