map iterator not dereferencable

map iterator not dereferencable

Is it safe to invoke std::map::erase with std::map. - Stack Overflow.

However I get a runtime error. "Debug Assertion Falied" "Expression : map/set iterator is not incrementable". This happens in the inner for loop.
In some of my Win32 programs it will and in some it won't (then it will return " vector iterator not dereferencable" but it will compile just fine).
map/set iterator not dereferencable - 博雅Grant@PKU专栏- 博客频道.
This Thread: When an iterator is not dereferencable.

c++ - stringstream problem - vector iterator not dereferencable.

c++ - "map/set iterators incompatible" while calling std::map::find.

map iterator not dereferencable

STL迭代器失效问题- 西昆仑- 开源中国社区.
map<string,Shopable*>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); .. using iterator for a map container that is pointed to. map/set iterator not incrementable.
begin() is not an iterator but returns an iterator.. returned by begin() is valid and dereferencable, it is OK to be used in std::map::erase().
“vector iterator not incrementable” run-time error with set_intersection .. Can values in map can be easily copied to a vector with std::copy_if.
Apr 6, 2013. I got an debug assertion error "map/set iterator not dereferencable".. . If i will do all the same but will change it to L"one": TCHAR *zr = L"one";.
The assertation is on the add function of the Map (Map is not std::map) .. map/set iterator not incrementablemap/set iterator not incrementable.
Error in VS2010 with set_intersection() and set<int> - Stack Overflow.
However I get a runtime error. "Debug Assertion Falied" "Expression : map/set iterator is not incrementable". This happens in the inner for loop.
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